Among us thumbnail

Guys this is the (In my opinion) best art among us skeld map ever. I want this thumbnail to be AMAZING so give It your best shot! I have a few requirements:

Title: Among us Gims: Hide N Seek (Make the : not there and make it underneath first part)

Area: if you want to use it the map is skeld

Characters: I’d prefer like space Gims such as Polaris and admiral pulsar (You could make your own among us gim if you want but it would be harder)

Have one of the gims like a monster seemingly chasing a gim, but like keep it appropriate. Or you could just do like the picture at the bottom but like have a twist.

Heres some pictures from Google:

For some reason they wont work Ill try loading them in differently.

For some reason I cannot put pictures on the poll, sorry!
  • My thumbnail (don’t vote unless you really want to)
  • mutantsackboy4
  • Angel and A Gim
  • TheBunnyMaster
0 voters

Just ask if you have any questions thanks!

Read please

They didn’t ban thumbnails when I was gone did they? I haven’t been on for awhile and they keep switching it…

Nope Thumbnails are still avalable… :3

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Can you see the images now?

Can you ping thumbnail artists?

Nope, summoning isn’t allowed.

Nope, still can’t.

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I’ll do this if you want

Sorry just got back yeah I want as many people as possible so if you could that would be great!

Heres something I made for inspiration.

Also if like nobody else responds Ill probably just use this. @Eneatix are you doing a thumbnail?


Hi, can I try? this will be my second gim art tho but I will try my best.

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Sure! more thumbnails mean better thumbnails!

It’s not my best work, but here ya go.

Fonts used: Fixedsys Excelsior, Andy Pro.


This is what I got so far I know it needs a background and some other stuff but that’s for tomorrow.


Bunny summons herself from hearing the word among us when she just played it earlier Can i do this? I can get it by tomorrow. See ya until you respond. Bunny was despawned by an unknown force of magic

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Almost done, a few more minutes…

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Hi, I’m finally done! My gim is running for its life.. free carrot? :carrot: Thumbnail:


Ok all done, but if you want something changed you can ask me and I can see what I can do.


Oh carrots, i forgot credits, lemme edit real quick

New version:

(i needed to add credits and edit some stuff)


Okay sorry I wasn’t on during the weekend I just saw these and WOW they look GREAT like AMAZING I cannot wait to publish the map now with an amazing thumbnail!

@art_lover, what did you use to make it?

I use Tinker and know it’s a coding app, but I have used it for 3 years or more for art, Minecraft, and coding. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and Google for reference pics.

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