Among-Us Thumb Nail Request

Guys, I have a reference photo, but it looks like it was drawn by a preschooler, I really need this thumbnail done by one of you guys, because none of my friends can draw gimkit, and I sure can’t. So, can you do it? You will get credit!! And the gim by the hallway is tropicool, the one on cams is conestellar, and the one in the vent is Vortex Agent

What’s the name of your game?

@qwjkgbnk OMG I’m so sorry, the name of my game is Ultimate Among Us
and please don’t add any names on the art, if you want to do one, I will put credits in the description! (: :smiley:


I wish I could, but I’m leaving the forums.

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Even though I hardly know you, I’m still curious why?

Everyone has their own reasons- and it’s none of your business.


Uh, if I’m going to make one, the thing is… Look, I hate being forgotten to be credited in thumbnails. I didn’t get credited for one BECAUSE they told us not to put names. I’m going to put some kind of watermark. If I do this. You have to agree for me to do one.

““a little rough””

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Okay, and good luck on your next adventure!

@Blizzy I totally respect that, and you should get the credit you deserve, I just had it envisioned in my head with no words on it other than the title, and I will put you in the description, and in the credits page in-game. But if this deal is unilateral, than go ahead and put your watermark. But I can show you the credits page before hand just in case if you want.

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Screenshot 2024-09-13 9.56.38 AM

Don’t do that yet, but thanks, I’ll remember that. It’s not like it’s definitely going to be me :slight_smile: Thanks I’ll make one tho

I know, but I just wanted to show you that credit shall be given where credit is due! And, it only takes a couple clicks to change, so dont worry!

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Can i try?


Is that the thumbnail? umm, i was thinking something a bit different

And anyone can try!

no its just a meme I’m pretty sure he was just saying he’d make one lol

maybe I’ll try but I’m kinda out of the thumbnails recently hehe

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I’ll get on it!

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Omg thank you all so much!!! Just remember, if you do want to make one :smiley: then please don’t add any words other than the title on it! I will add you in the description and credits page.