So it might be blurred because it is small and some edges might be cut because of the screenshots but I put my skeld map together and I wanted to know how it looks, like what do you think could look better.
What the skeld actually looks like:
What the skeld actually looks like:
I think it look’s great!
The only thing is that this might be off topic,
You have to put it in the Art Category.
I thought about it but I was more looking for help but okay!
amazing but I don’t think you show I think you show how to make
Well, if you need help you should change that text because you make it sound like you just want people’s opinion on how it looks…
Okay not trying to be rude like thanks for the “Amazing” and stuff, but I want crituques tell me EVERYTHING that’s wrong.
I do
I’m not trying to start anything.
I’m just saying people might think you need help, and others might flag it for being off topic because of how you word it, when really you need help with something.
That’s insane. It’ super good! How long have you been working on it?
If I HAD to critique anything it would make the colors a little less vibrant
Like 4 weeks at max.
any other critiques?
okay marking solution…
Okay so I am changing it to help to mark solution.
wait no I still want critique on the lobby:
Any other Ideas @recalledMemories
The code is out of date.
I’m stunned. That is really good!
My only critique is to pat yourself on the back if you haven’t already.
If you are going to publish it I look forward to seeing it in Community Picks!!!
Thanks that means a-lot your amazing yourself! Yeah I am probably working to hard on this but I want to finish this, it should be done soon!
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