Among us Pixel Art (suggestions) easy guide 0/10 ⬜

Its up to you really, not me…

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It looks better and is definitely more original and creative. Good job! :+1:
If you want to make it more creative you could think about unique things and what can make it different from the other guides and art like this.

@WhiteGod you’re my saviorrr… You fixed the guid → guide

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Thank you (lol) it only took me a little time to edit it.

@Cellofive did you edit the topic?

Remember you only have 1 day to edit this

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what do you mean by 1(?) ?

It might be 3 days I can’t remember right

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Well what suggestions do you have in mind for this?

i think a basic is 24 hours and a member is 7 days and a regular is i month, not exactly sure though.

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No, member is 30 days and regular is 30 days but regulars can make their post a wiki for
:star: infinite editing time :star:


don’t start that. its not needed and jeff does not need more flags, please delete that post.


@Bob_SmithLikesDonuts Please stop going to all these different topics and posting completely random and off-topic things just to get flagged on purpose. It is not good for the community and just makes Jeff’s job harder as @WolfTechnology said. Now let’s all get back on topic. (and by “all” i mean me)


guys can’t we just ignore that stuff? there are MUCH more posts to stay on topic than the actual off-topic posts