Among Us; Mira Map Guide 2

i don’t know how to.

ok click the gimkit logo, on the middle left of the screen

ok now what do i do?

Scroll down untill you see this image

then click view or if it says j0in, click it too

Then click the j0in logo at the top of the screen and you will be in.

Once you’re done, I suggest deleting all these replies. Remember that (:loudspeaker: PSA!) Other Sites Aren’t Affiliated!

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i joined! in!!!

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Yeah iknow im just trying to help.

Nice now lets talk on the wix.

Yeah I know, just trying to prevent off-topic flags.

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is it a guide on the map or mechanics or both

on the map, its like my first one Among Us Skeld Map (blue_square) 5/10 - map makingI can design not code so mechanics are not a thing for me.

Nice pfp @wingwave! Not a penguin, but frogs are allies in my book!

Yep. I’m on a long quest for the perfect pfp for me, so expect to see a lot of different stuff.

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can we please not do this on my guide?

No no its a misunderstanding with his grammar, he’s saying that NavyCatZ, Lxmas, and himself are the mods.


…created by CringeKarlScott , and me [WolfTechnology], NavyCatZ, and Lxmas are the mods

You can, with popups?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

i see now
he should add a comment after my name tho

But I thought you could make custom popups with blocks…
At least I did.