Among Us; Mira Map Guide 2

i joined! in!!!

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Yeah iknow im just trying to help.

Nice now lets talk on the wix.

Yeah I know, just trying to prevent off-topic flags.

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is it a guide on the map or mechanics or both

on the map, its like my first one Among Us Skeld Map (blue_square) 5/10 - map makingI can design not code so mechanics are not a thing for me.

Nice pfp @wingwave! Not a penguin, but frogs are allies in my book!

Yep. I’m on a long quest for the perfect pfp for me, so expect to see a lot of different stuff.

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can we please not do this on my guide?

No no its a misunderstanding with his grammar, he’s saying that NavyCatZ, Lxmas, and himself are the mods.


…created by CringeKarlScott , and me [WolfTechnology], NavyCatZ, and Lxmas are the mods

You can, with popups?

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i see now
he should add a comment after my name tho

But I thought you could make custom popups with blocks…
At least I did.

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Bruh @Cameron_Sharer we’re gonna need a guide on that! Custom popups!!?!?

Ironically, @Blizzy should be making one soon.

Yeah I will sometime
If I can figure out how

I’m sorry, what exactly do you mean? Using blocks, I know you can set custom headers/text using property, triggering players name, etc.

That’s what I’m thinking about too