Among Us Blocks Help

I am making an Among Us game and I’m having a problem with the blocks. I’m granting players a random amount of seeds to each player to correspond with the task they have to do, then using a text overlay to tell that player what they have to do. The Green seeds system is working perfectly but Blue, Red, and Yellow are defaulting to finished even though using end-of-game widgets I checked that the 2 and 3 properties are functioning properly. I’m at a complete loss as to what the problem is. The Silver and Cyan seeds aren’t used in this system yet, I want to get this working first.


Seed Distribution








Each next# goes to a trigger witch runs a wire pulse to the next granter.
Green Seed Item Granter

Blue Seed Item Granter

Red Seed Item Granter

Yellow Seed Item Granter

Inventory Managers

They are all set up like this.

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Nice system but not sure how to fix it. Try asking @getrithekd


I think you just did.:grin:

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lol yeah.


I am sorry, I would love to help but me + code = :fire: So I can’t help you with your issue.


Are the blue, red and yellow properties set as a text type property? If so that may explain why 2, 3 and 6 are defaulting to finished.
If not, showing pictures of the rest of your system may help show what’s wrong.

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I have checked to properties and they are all correct.

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Are the blocks in a trigger?

If yes, you could try adding a delay. If that doesn’t work, I’ll look over it again.

They are in a Game Overlay

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It looks correct. Try deleting your other systems and use the same one as the green seeds.

Hm, it might be a problem with the randomizer rather than the if-task-complete block code, or you might have reached the concurrent task limit of 300 (highly unlikely)

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Yeah, it probably is.

This is happening a lot with the randomizer. There might be a bug in them.

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Maybe create a bug post.
Or you can post the randomizer on here.

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Dose that help?

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It looks good. Maybe it’s just a bug.

Ah, I get why, your randomizer for red and blue is from 1-3, while your tasks for your red and blue is 1-2 (3 being completed) which gives a small chance for the task to be completed on game-start, however if this issue is consistent every single time, then it may be a problem with something else such as the inventory item manager.

I’ll add the inventory item managers when I get a chance but I have already checked them. I’ll also test your theory with the options again when I get a chance.

I fixed the red and blue but it didn’t help. I also tried reordering the blocks but that didn’t help either.