All Possible Wire Options

This is a work-in-progress list of all possible wire options, with every single device that can start or end a wire. All options have details explaining their purpose. Feel free to modify this for whatever reason as long as it follows forum rules! [1]
All wire options were tested with the device starting/ending the wire as intended, and a trigger on the other end of the wire.
Devices are sorted by their order in the Add Menu.

Is someone editing?
Do not edit if someone else checked the box. Uncheck the box once you’re done. Please don’t check the box for fun.

Please follow forum rules while editing. I don’t want this post to be taken down.

First, here’s a list of all devices that can start/end wires:

Devices that can start a wire

Starting Devices

Tag Zone
Laser Beam
Game Overlay
Crafting Table
Wire Repeater
Movement Meter
Vending Machine
Crafting Recipe
Knockout Manager
Ball Capture Zone
Flag Capture Zone
Player Coordinates

Devices that can end a wire

This is only devices that can receive a wire pulse from a trigger, since I didn’t want to go through every single one of the devices above.

Ending Devices

End Game
Tag Zone
Item Image
Laser Beam
Camera Point
Damage Boost
Game Overlay
Item Granter
Team Switcher
Wire Repeater
Health Granter
Movement Meter
Speed Modifier
Crafting Recipe
Vending Machine
Knockout Manager
Ball Capture Zone
Flag Capture Zone
End of Game Widget
Laser Beam Manager
Inventory Item Manager

Alright, let’s get into the actual options.

Ball Options (2)

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Ball: If the ball is currently deactivated, it will appear at its starting position.
  • Deactivate Ball: If the ball is currently activated, it will disappear from the map until reactivated.
Flag Options (9)

Starting a wire:

  • Flag Captured: Runs when someone brings the flag into the respective flag capture zone.
  • Flag Dropped: Runs when someone drops the flag, either from being knocked out or manually.
  • Flag Picked Up: Runs when someone picks up the flag.
  • Flag Returned To Base: Runs when a dropped flag is returned to its base.
  • Flag Manually Returned To Base: Runs when someone manually returns the flag to its base (by interacting with the flag while on the same team as it)
  • Flag Picked Up From Base: Like “Flag Picked Up”, however only runs if the flag is on its base when picked up, and not when picked up from the floor.

Ending a wire:

  • Capture Flag: Gives the flag to the player who caused the wire pulse.
  • Drop Flag: Drops the flag on the ground if somebody is holding it.
  • Return Flag To Base: Returns the flag to its base.
Text Options (3)

Ending a wire:

  • Show Text: Makes the text visible.
  • Hide Text: Makes the text invisible.
  • Run Wire Pulse Block: Activates any blocks that are set to run “on wire pulse”.
Zone Options (4)

Starting a wire:

  • Player Enters Zone: Runs when the player enters the zone.
  • Player Leaves Zone: Runs when the player leaves the zone.

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Zone: If currently deactivated, the zone now detects players entering and leaving, and prevents gadget fire if that option is enabled.
  • Deactivate Zone: If currently activated, the zone no longer detects players entering and leaving, and does not prevent gadget fire even if that option is enabled.
Popup Options (6)

Starting a wire:

  • Popup Closed: Runs when the player closes the popup.
  • Primary Call To Action Clicked: Runs when the player clicks the primary call to action.
  • Secondary Call To Action Clicked: Runs when the player clicks the secondary call to action.

Ending a wire:

  • Open Popup: Opens the popup.
  • Close Popup: Closes the popup.
  • Run Wire Pulse Block: Runs any blocks set to run “on wire pulse”.
Relay Options (2)

Starting a wire:

  • Relay Trigger: Runs when the relay is triggered.

Ending a wire:

  • Trigger Relay: Triggers the relay.
Button Options (3)

Starting a wire:

  • Button Pressed: Runs when the button is pressed.

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Button: If currently deactivated, the button can now be pressed and turns green.
  • Deactivate Button: If currently activated, the button can no longer be pressed and turns orange.
Sentry Options (3)

Starting a wire:

  • Sentry Knocked Out: Runs when the sentry is knocked out, either by a player or another sentry.

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Sentry: If currently deactivated, the sentry appears at full health, even if it was damaged or even knocked out previously before being deactivated.
  • Deactivate Sentry: If currently activated, the sentry disappears.
    Note that a knocked out sentry is considered to be activated.
Barrier Options (2)

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Barrier: If currently deactivated, the barrier appears and has a hitbox. If a player is in a barrier when it activates, they will be able to move around freely inside the barrier until they exit the barrier.
  • Deactivate Barrier: If currently activated, the barrier disappears and no longer has a hitbox. If a player is moving towards the barrier while also touching it when it deactivates, the player will get a small burst of speed.
Checker Options (3)

Starting a wire:

  • Check Passes: Runs when the checker passes a check.
  • Check Fails: Runs when the checker fails a check.

Ending a wire:

  • Run Check: Runs a check.
Counter Options (4)

Starting a wire:

  • Target Value Reached: Runs when the counter reaches its target value.

Ending a wire:

  • Increment Counter: Increases the counter by 1.
  • Decrement Counter: Decreases the counter by 1.
  • Reset Counter: Sets the counter to its starting value.
Damager Options (2)

Ending a wire:

  • Damage Player: Deals the amount of damage specified in the options to the triggering player.
  • Run Wire Pulse Block: Runs any block code set to run “on wire pulse”.
Respawn Options (1)

Ending a wire:

  • Respawn Player: Respawns the triggering player.
Trigger (4)

Starting a wire:

  • Triggered: Runs when the player triggers the trigger, either through channels/wires or by stepping on the trigger.

Ending a wire:

  • Trigger: Triggers the trigger.
  • Activate Trigger: If currently deactivated, parts of the trigger turn orange or light gray and the trigger can now be triggered.
  • Deactivate Trigger: If currently activated, the trigger grays out and can no longer be triggered.
End Game (1)

Ending a wire:

  • End The Game: Ends the game.
Property (1)

Starting a wire:

  • Property Value Changed: Runs when the property’s value changes (and at the start of the game if the option “Broadcast Value on Game Start” is set to yes)
Repeater (3)

First things first:
Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

With that out of the way:
Starting a wire:

  • Repeater Runs Task: Runs when the repeater repeats.

Ending a wire:

  • Start Repeater: Starts the repeater.
  • End Repeater: Ends the repeater.
Tag Zone (4)

Starting a wire:

  • Player Tags Someone: Runs when the player tags another player.
  • Player Is Tagged By Someone Else: Runs when the player is tagged by another player.

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Tag Zone Device: If currently deactivated, players can now tag each other if on the appropriate team(s).
  • Deactivate Tag Zone Device: If currently activated, players can no longer tag each other even if they are on the appropriate team(s).
Waypoint (2)

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Waypoint: If currently deactivated, the waypoint is now shown on players’ screens.
  • Deactivate Waypoint: If currently activated, the waypoint is no longer shown on players’ screens.
Lifecycle (1)

Starting a wire:

  • Event Occurs: Runs when the event specified in the lifecycle settings occurs.
Checkpoint (2)

Starting a wire:

  • Checkpoint Activated: Runs when the player activates the checkpoint.

Ending a wire:

  • Set As Active Checkpoint: The player will now respawn at this checkpoint when knocked out (unless they activate another checkpoint before becoming knocked out).
Item Image (2)

Ending a wire:

  • Show Item Image: Shows the item image.
  • Hide Item Image: Hides the item image.
Laser Beam (3)

Starting a wire:

  • Player Hit By Laser: Runs when the player touches any part of the laser’s hitbox.

Ending a wire:

  • Activate Laser: If currently deactivated, the laser beam now becomes full and can damage the player.
  • Deactivate Laser: If currently activated the laser beam now becomes replaced by a dotted line and can no longer damage the player.
Questioner (9)

Starting a wire:

  • Question Answered Correctly: Runs when the player answers a question correctly.
  • Question Answered Incorrectly: Runs when the player answers a question incorrectly.
  • Question Answering Screen Opened: Runs when the player opens the question interface.
  • Question Answering Screen Closed: Runs when the player closes the question interface.

Ending a wire:

  • Open Question Answering Screen: Opens the question interface.
  • Close Question Answering Screen: Closes the question interface.
  • Enable Questioner: If disabled, the questioner now gains color and can be opened by the player.
  • Disable Questioner: If enabled, the questioner now grays out and can no longer be opened by the player.
  • Run Wire Pulse Block: Runs any blocks set to run “on wire pulse”.

I decided to post this as a WIP due to the fact that there are still about 22 devices left, and I thought that maybe others could help finish.

Of these devices, the Flag and Questioner have the most overall options with 9 each. The Respawn, End Game, Property, and Lifecycle have the least, with only 1 option each (not counting the devices with no wire options).

  1. If anything is different in platformer mode versus top-down, please edit this post to clarify! I don’t have the season ticket, so I can’t test myself. ↩︎


oh my goodness, bro… how long did it take for you to make this XD

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Probably about an hour or two, and I only made it halfway before deciding to post it and let the community finish.
Not to mention like 15-30 minutes placing all of the devices, testing to see which ones could start and end a wire, then deleting them all.


thats… halfway? oh my goodness


I added 24 devices, and there are about 22 left. Not only that, but I was originally planning to include every possible permutation (meaning for every device that starts a wire I’d also include every device that ends a wire), which would’ve been 1,107 permutations. I’m sure you can see why I didn’t do that.


@NoNoWahoo wouldn’t this go into community made guides?

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I don’t think so, since this isn’t really a guide, just a catalog.

ah ok

if its not to much trounble, could you make it so you say what the things do? (like a definiton to say the trigger?)

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Yeah, I’ll do it later today when I have a computer available. It might not be the most specific, however. You could also edit it in yourself.

This is an interesting topic… i like it.


0.0 thats going to be uh very…lengthy I mean uh there is like a ton of devices with a ton of connections it could be possible that you could miss 3 or maybe 5 so goodluck


Yeah, I might, but that’s one of the reasons I made this a wiki, so anyone can edit.
It’s only about 150-200 connections anyways. It’s still a decently large amount, but much less than the 1,107 I was originally planning on having.


@Godatbedwars Please don’t check the checkbox for fun. (If you were actually editing, my bad. I thought you weren’t, but I might’ve been wrong.)

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I like this idea of a guide. People often don’t know the possibilities of using wires!
They are limited, but they are pretty useful! I hope the options are listed! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Bump with a poll:

Should I move this to Devices and make it a tug?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Edit: I meant Community Made Guides.