Again we need help with a thumbnail!

so make it look like your in a dream but its scary and it shows gims like a dad and its scary i think it would be hard so if you cant its fine sorry for wasting your time

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ummmmmmm… i might not be able to do that… sorry


ok sorry thank though

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What do you mean like a dad?

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I’m not that good at this stuff tho so someone else might could

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I could help I just don’t know what “like a dad” means.

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just put stache it is supposed to have a dad in it

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sorry if that sounded weird

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So like stache in the background?

oh and i forgot im making two at a time so i also need a thumbnail for a medival map

yes that will be good

can u draw like a rough draft. It doesn’t have to be good just a gist of it.

um there is a person and they will do it there thing is treenina or something like that its realy his game im just helping him

no for the thumbnail. Like draw it out.

wait for me not the other guy

give like 5 minutes is that ok

Make is more specific @brotree_leader

Here since its my game I will tell you its about a boy that has a dream where his parents go missing he wakes up and the same thing happens so he go’s investagating but doesn’t relize the person take is following him and at the end they have a boss battle well at least for the person playing

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I can just provide me with more details

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Is this good?: