After this I'm going to end up hating Doors

I got stuck there and I got stressed and now I don’t remember how it was done.
the code is don’t active




I’m not familiar with the mechanics of doors. Can you please explain what the player is supposed to do in this section?


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Doors is where you’re in a hundred-floor hotel, infested with different creatures with different abilities. They try to torment you and keep you in. Multiple items can be used to help you, like the Crucifix that repels them.


What was it that you didn’t understand or got stuck on?

I’m aware of the main gameplay. It’s a sort of dungeon crawler correct?
What I’m asking is what exactly is this image the OP sent about? What exactly seems not to be working?

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What was done in this part was that
-the player had to arrange the photos in their correct place and when they were all in their place the oven would open to continue the path

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I’ll read them tomorrow, I have to sleep, bye

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What ._.
Is it a specific order, or is it one input?

the order was like a door

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If it was an order, search passwords up.

just sort the boxes

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yay door 24

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@Build-pleasse No, It is like you have to place picture frames in certain spots like for example “the Mona Lisa” would fiit the left side

At last you understand me, thanks friend

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Correction, a “100 room hotel on floor one”. On floor two, it’s a mine. There is also the backdoors, and a 1000 room run that has a huge reward at the end.

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I always believed that the mines technically and logically are the ground floor

Maybe you could rearrange the pictures using some sort of string property to store the placement of the pictures?

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friends I need here a @Loperander0 @Slim They do understand

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