Additional information about the Gimkit Awards!

Ok, now I’m scared :scream:

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How dare you, Kynami! you were my elite guard!



unless whereismyhay has the power of the force, I don’t think so…


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haha very funny lol i love obi wan

now it’s my turn: insert obi wan confused meme here

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ok guys this is getting of topic… we don’t want this to get closed

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the lasers are somehow behind there body but not behind there eyes meaning the eyes are in the very back for some reason

i am very sorry i just love star wars

Ozi can beat stash

I still don’t understand the deal with “bob” but whatever.

Its stache and NO WAY ozi beats stache.


No, the laser is on top of the body. The reason this was first found was because the red base color of the laser perfectly blends with stache

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ozi is an epic skin so it doesn’t matter. they aren’t in the same contest.

Nooo not in the competition but if they had a battle.

guys this is off-topic and exactly what unstable didn’t want. [1]

  1. and how ever flagged teh publishing rules guide, gimsolver… ↩︎


What is your freakin problem boi? Roblox has nothing to do with gimkit skins.

we are getting of topic we need to talk about the Gimkit Awards