Adding people to my game need help!

Hey guys I need some character ideas like npcs! and some boss’s! (mini and regular to be specific!)

you should add me as a boss

alright! gimme a description of what u want! (u will be the FIRST boss so u cant be TOO STRONG!)
But other than that GO AHEAD!

AND a name of course! unless u wanna use yours!

maybe a boss or npc that drops a blaster or something later on in the game so it can maybe be a little easier.


ye I plan on doing that but I need boss and npc ideas as like characters like U could be an npc or mini boss or whatever u want


welcome Bob :slight_smile:

thanks and I guess but I’m just a plain player like just put a green guy

naaa u can be WATEVER U! WANT

who u talking to @Tankstarzgod ?

make me a guy with a dark cape a mask a money trail and a dark green color to the npc

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ok that gonna be a little tough but ok BRB!

do you have the joi-n code website

ok sorry if its a little complcated for the npc

Sry I’m new i meant to tal;k to you

I need some help to!!! On my map

ok just dont post the code here do you have the wix jo-in code account

So I’m pending right now jtluk

yea could take a few days