A very powerful device: The End Game

What’s the most POWERFUL device in the game?

Strongest in the game
  • Zone
  • End Game
  • Trigger
  • Relay
  • Button
  • Sentry
  • Checker
  • Counter
  • Barrier
  • Lifecycle
  • Repeater
  • Other Device That’s Not Stated
0 voters

If you reply other, please state the “other”.


Yes? I think maybe?..

Hmm… what other device are you guys talking about?

Also, for those who said trigger, I’m sorry but you are simply wrong. (we have everything necessary to replicate triggers)

What should this be marked?
0 voters

Closing at 11 votes.

When I was using the device, it bumped me in the head.

I was playing GKC on my Chromebook while walking and I bumped into a pole.

Bumping your own guide twice in a row is crazy :skull:

also yes this is a bump i just realized that



None. I would say devices since this covers a device and not a how to like: This is what you can do with the end game device. You can make a K/D ratio. You know that type of thing. I would say go with the flow and choose devices.


With what? (I’m not saying you’re wrong, just want to see something)

1 Like

You can probably replicate triggers with blocks, notifications, counters, or something like that.

The trigger is memory efficient by comparison, but it’s still interesting.

Oh, then yeah, that illustrates my point. Yes, @Shdwy, triggers are definitely one of, or the most powerful single device; it’s not about their ability to be replicated, but the fact that to replace them and all of their uses, you would need a whole mess of much more complicated and expensive device systems. The fact that they can be such a multitasker for relatively cheap makes them that much better.


so basically, the trigger is like that one guy in the rpg, you can hire him, and he’s op, for like 1 dollar. But yeah, triggers are super powerful. And I so agree with your statement.


Off topic. That’s why, but yay! I just got promoted to member, trust level 2!! :smiley:


Nice pictures! Very informative and descriptive! I can see the WolfTech in you! I can see that you’ll have an enormous impact on the forums!

I’ve been waiting for a decently written End Game device with a good picture.


Who? Me? no…
this is very short tho…

Yes Gimsolver, I think Wingwave means you…


very interesting.