A Tip For Efficiency

What is this guide about? It’s about efficiency and how to get it. So you have a system. You feel like it can be more efficient (It uses 13 triggers, 45 counters, and hits the block limit). Or you can define what you need and make a system that does exactly that. In this guide, I will show you how to do that with the example of this:

Now we can save one of the 8 allowed repeaters by thinking about the problem for a bit.

What do I need?

Well, we need a system that does something when the amount of the item goes above a certain amount. So when can it go over a certain amount? potato1’s system assumes that it can go up any time. That’s right, but we can make this more specific. The amount of items can go over our limit when the amount of items changes. That sounds stupid, but as we think about it, its still right. But how can that help us? This setting on properties does:


So now we can detect a change in the amount of items by using the IIM to edit the property. After that, the property triggers our checker!


Oops. Accidentally hit ctrl + enter.


Wow, this is a good guide! Very creative!

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Great guide @getrithekd! Nice to see you creating more guides again.

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Nice guide @getrithekd!