A Thumbnail Art Request for my Gimkit Territory Game

Hey, so as the title infers I am making a Gimkit game that involves your territory and by winning the game, you will eventually have to win over all of the other team (or territory lol). If anybody could make a thumbnail with the same style of the original gims, that would be amazing. I’m really open as to what the thumbnail includes, maybe a gim or two running over different looking terrain or something? I haven’t finished with it yet, and I understand if it would be preferable for me to finish it first. (I’m rather new to the forum, so I don’t know if it’s preferable for the game to be made first). Thx.


@Kat_aronii @M1dnight
these people will help you
(click on the account name and it will bring you to where you can contact them)
kat_aronii does more handrawn ones but midnight is a online creator
(I would make one for you but my thumbnail month is over and I’m burnt out)
(I am a online creator)
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:


Tysm, you have probably made really good drawings.

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welcome to the forums @The_Violinist!


Terribly sorry, how do you contact any of them using the website? (I tried looking to see a messaging section or something.)

Click their name link and then you can either go to kateronis website or m1dnights padlet

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Hmm, I couldn’t get through to either of the websites.

I will make you the thumbnail then
(I will be done about 6-7PM tomorrow)

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Fr??? Thx so much, pls take your time, you do not need to rush at all. You can finish even later,


even days later would be fine

I name it Gimkit territory?
umm what gims?
and what terrain? (please choose a platformer Gimkit terrain)
what background colors?

Sry for the wait. Yes, the name is good. Maybe gims that match a little with the terrain? I don’t have beta so the game isn’t a platformer. But if platformer is easier, than maybe there can be two terrains in the thumbnail so it satisifys the platformer terrain. Maybe one side of the terrain can be snowy and the other can be more grassy/forest. I would like the background colors ti be grey for snowy region and blue for forest.

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so for the thumbnail, I need some info. First of all, what gims would you like? also, I’d like to know what weapons to use if there are any. a style would be nice too (ex: cartoony, realistic, medieval, etc). Also, a sketch made in a free program like sketch.io would help me with the layout (ex: where the gims go, what they’re doing, what object to put, and where). I really strive to make my thumbnails exactly what the creator envisions, and this helps me with that.
Thanks in advance,

So sorry for the wait. I had to wat 24 hours because I started yesterday. So for the gims, I would like maybe dodge, angler, snowpuff and sirath. there are no weapons. I would like a medieval style, but still drawn like normal gims. I really don’t have an idea for the layout. So really feel free to be creative.

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what u mean by thumbnail month is over?

I meant like I stopped making thumbnails for now
I usually make them in March and some in September but you know
March is gone… September is far away…
I’m still making a thumbnail for you though @The_Violinist
(almost done just adding finishing touches?)

alr, thank you so much

I bet the thumbnail will look good!


hey @LOFINIGHT , have you seen the map that stole the thumbnail you made for spydecraft’s dropper map?


haha thank you
(that was not one of my best)

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hah thank you but credits to @Spydecraft245 for building the map