A Theoretical Unification of Pseudo and Real Health

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and yeah i think i made an hp burn guide it looks pretty similar to your frostbite lvl system and maybe so we may be on to something

right, It took me so long bcs i didn’t know how to use triggers or counters or wires lol

next up is coordinates can someone pull up a link to that guide?

Thx that’s the right one i think

yeah this is BiG BrAiN TiMe so lets see what can possibly detect how much damage is taken

Beside one health props?

(If only we could use the damage boost device…)

just wait i’ve almost got the coordinate system done

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ALRIGHT coordinate system is done. All that time I took got a 5x5 grid. Now we need props in it. and then I’ll give screenshot.

How would you calculate the line? The barriers can’t sense when they’re hit, and you can’t sense when players shoot.

I don’t know, some kind of slope calculation. The coord of the barrel and the player and the target player.

You can sense when they die.

You can’t sense who shot them though.

In order to get the data you’re talking about, you’d need either the direction of the projectile or the location of the firing player…

I spose you could use props like you said.

Maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Track the ammo.

here’s what i have so far.

jøin so i can shoot you.

That’s incredibly shaky. You’d need complex distance calculations that wouldn’t always work, and they’d have to be varied based on weapon used.

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That’s why its theory.

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yeah i don’t know any better solution