A simple guide for Gimhook

Dev devices had nothing to do with gimhook

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No, that was patched.
And that’s a separate thing.

@top-z ‘Gimhook-adjacent’, not gimhook. I was using this as a time Josh was able to patch hacks


No. Dev devices are now client side if you place them. Also, the code for placing them has nothing related to gimhook, as I said above

Is there anyway to get the dev devices? (Ive always wanted to see them)

If I wanted to, can I create a mod that adds a custom weapon or skin changes to my side or people that also have the mod?

You use some code, and put it in the console. Good luck getting this code…

Aw man. I dont know the code for it. : (

Can someone make it? That would help so many pll.

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You could, nothing can stop you. However, this could be considered giving people an unfair advantage

How did you do that?

The screenshot is from hexaheximal, not blueboat. It’s made with inspect element


Chat GPT can code lol (also look up a tutorial)


I don’t actually know much of anything about the dev devices compared to other people, but the player appearance modifier is placeable, and is related to invisiblity and how Snowy survival changes your skin.

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Why would there be tutorials on placing dev devices in gimkit?


I have better things to do than that.

Let’s ban cooking too since kitchen knives could be used to kill people. Wait, that’s not how it works? YOU’RE LYING AND WHAT YOU SAY IS IRRELEVANT! (/s)

According to what source? The voices?

Even an official page by the Gimkit team states the following:

Hacking and cheating is pretty rare in Gimkit


All dev devices are placeable. It’s just that if someone outside of the gimkit team places them, it’s client side.

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because people are silly like that


I doubt it, considering Gimkit isn’t that popular, especially the coding side of it

Everyone, arguing won’t change anyone’s opinion about Gimhook. If @top-z doesn’t like it, then that’s their opinion, but please stop trying to force others from having their own opinion. This is turning into a childish back-and-forth fight and has gotten nowhere, so I suggest we stop. Everyone is intitled to their opinions and I highly doubt that arguing will change someone’s opinion. @top-z, if you don’t like it, then don’t you it, you can’t force others to stop. The rest of you guys, just stop replying to them. The more attention you give them, the more they will act like this.


If this was as simple as a basic disagreement, that would make sense. But you don’t understand the full picture.

This isn’t a one-off thing. This isn’t even just a thing that happened a few times. top-z has a reputation of making hackusations against a bunch of people who use Gimhook. This has been going on for months.

I don’t like it either. But this is where we are now.

Again: I’d be more than happy to implement cheating mitigations, but no matter I implement it won’t stop top-z. (maybe one day this will get better…)