A Roblox piggy trap

You have a bunch of possible zones to place a trap (specific places), and the piggy can press a button when on it to activate the zone. If the zone triggers for the other team, you disable the zone again. You can use a trigger + a property to keep a timer for how long since the piggy has put a trap down. When the piggy presses the button, you check if timer > X, and if it is you place the trap. Otherwise you can send a message or something saying they have to wait X seconds until they can place another trap.

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You asked what it’d look like lol.

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I meant for art sorry for the confusion

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Umm how do I set a property to be a team?

You have a property with a scope of player. Each team should have a different starting point, right? So on each starting point you have a trigger that activates when stepped on (the trigger also has a scope of player), and that trigger sets which team the player is on (get property ABC = Piggy or get property ABC = Player)

Ok I’ll try to figure out the rest thanks

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