A Quick Question regarding thumbnails

Hey guys, I have a really quick question and im probably going to delete this topic afterwords, but Where should I put a request for a thumbnail for my game? I’ve seen people ask in guides and in topics but Im not quite sure myself, could someone help? Thanks!

My guess is a help topic like this one. But thumbnail guides are to help you make one. Just like other guides, they help you and give you the tools you need, but don’t make it for you.

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Ah, That makes more sense! Thank you so much :smiley:

I got permission from jeffo to make my idea of a wiki for the thumbnails
will be done soon

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Oh cool! I will definitely be waiting for that!

please stop saying it was your idea. it was @Gimkitsuggestor and then @cellofive

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I mean how I thought it should be done
I know that they also helped think of it

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