A player selector help

“Player Id Voted For” sets to "P Current Player Id’

No like ingame. What was the value that it got?

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Wait holdup nvm i forgot to look at the guilty search trigger. Votes does actually get incremented, but it always ends in a tie and that’s because num votes is always the same as votes. why does it do that?

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So basically, when i press “guilty” on the popup, it increments “votes” by 1 for whoever I voted for, but it also increments “num votes” by 1, which results in “votes” being the same number as “num votes” and therefore neds in a tie.

Is num votes a global property? Also, does the popup work? It wasn’t working the last time I checked… You might need to turn the soft lock off.

Yes both num votes and num votes in are global, and votes is player scoped

Can you show me your block code that checks if the player’s votes is greater than the most counted?

WOuld that be in the trigger that is triggered on End vote?


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Here this is it

Oh you have to increment “num votes in”, not “num votes”

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which trigger would this be in?

The trigger that gets triggered when the player clicks guilty (sorry if I’m not giving the best help; I made this guide ~6 months ago and haven’t looked at it since)

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I gtg will be back but i understand

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wait in my end vote trigger, since I don’t increment num votes but instead I increment num votes in, then should I replace the num votes with num votes in?

@getrithekd what if i improvise with the vote counter. maybe I could make it so when someone votes for someone, they get a seed or something and whoever has the most seeds dies?

You’ll still have to do the same thing, but have IIMs track items and put it in the property.

well the thing is that you know how if “votes” = “num votes in” then its sets tie to true right? well if 2 people are playing e1 and e2, and they both vote for e2, then it sets tie to true, but e2 should’ve been voted out right. that is the prob

Let me set this straight:
Num Votes: In sees if everybody has voted
Num Votes: is the largest amount of votes that someone has received, out of the people that have checked
Num Votes Counted: This sees if we have checked everyone to see if they have the most votes.

So you have to check if “votes” is equal to “num votes”.

oops i pressed solution

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