A player selector help

only 2 players it was just me and another tab

Ok. So basically, end vote isnā€™t broadcastingā€¦ To make sure that it counts the number of players who voted correctly, add a counter for ā€œStart End Voteā€ or add an overlay for the number of players voted vs the number of players counted.

then what do i do with the counter after that?

The counters you use are just to make sure the channels broadcast, right? I just want to see if the counter that increases on ā€œStart End Voteā€ actually increases.

do you see the end vote counter in the corner?

Edit: thatā€™s after 2 people vote

ok. did you add the overlay for the properties?

ooh no i will do that later rn Iā€™m in ela class so I cant rlly be on my chromebook

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Here this is the trigger that starts the end vote. does anything look wrong here?

It looks all rightā€¦ Do you add 1 to num players voted when they click the vote button.

no i donā€™t beleive so. would i put this in trigger shown above? btw I have to go to lunch and will be back in like 30-35 mins,

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alr im back u there?

Yeah. Iā€™m pretty sure that the vote counter should workā€¦ Try showing the number of votes counted on the leaderboard.

Here would you be fine if i make a padlet and share you the code to my game?

I canā€™t really get on nowā€¦ maybe at 2:05 EST?

alr also i did the leader board and it still says 0 for the property so that may be whats wrong im not sure

Alr im ready im in a class with a teacher who will instantly disable my browsing if Iā€™m gimkit so if I leave randomly, thatā€™s why.

You there @getrithekd ?

Yeah Iā€™m here.


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