A Little bit of Among Us help

i can check if open with channels not wires so im using that.

o2 task and sabotage and the 3 fuel task(all are the same)

I said it earlier, have you tried it?

Maybe for the fuel task you could make barriers or smth (maybe mud) and you have to press each button to fuel it up.
And each button would activate once the previouse button is pressed.

not sure If this is right sooo
is it

testing it right now just finished making it.

yeah i think it works.

ok i’ll look at doing that in a sec.

I thought i solved the O2 task. What happened?

I’m not reading 50 replies what do you still need?

im on lunch so i will answer back in a bit.

I’m on breakfast
I’m not kidding

Idk if you’re still looking for help on the fixing the lights thing, but I think I got an idea for it that I’ve just been working on…