A Little bit of Among Us help

So i am making custom task, not just the ones in Haiai’s guide. Some like wires i copied a guide, but i still need reactor, fuel, O2, and to end the light, reactor, and O2 sabotages. And I’m not the best at being good with devices, so a little help here?


#bump because this got completely ignored. lol

confuzzled :confused:
what kind of task exactly?
custom task wise


reactor task, fuel task, O2 task, and the ways to end the light , reactor, and O2 sabotages

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Not the best at Among Us…but—could you explain what you’re trying to do?
Oh, customized tasks! You want them to be a bit like those, but not exactly. Hm…

so i am trying to make the task for reactor, fuel, O2, and possibly the ways to stop the light , reactor, and O2 sabotages. You might want to like google it because its sort of hard to put into words.

Well the lights I think could be pretty easy, just give the [IMPOSTER] a game overlay button that’s labelled “Disable Lights”. Then just lay A dark barrier across the whole map, then when someone fixes, the barrier disapears

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i know that, what i need is the fixes part, like you normally have to flip switches in a certain order.

maybe teleport them to a room with buttons that they need to press in a certain order?

A little basic, but I guess it could work.

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it could… what would that room be like? Here is what that fix task looks like

Okay, so this might be a bit confusing, but maybe have buttons that trigger on certain channels that increment a counter. Hm. this might be challenging for block code…

yeah a bit challenging ngl. pc is going to shut down brb.


I’m assuming that you want to make this follow the line at the top.

Have each button either be on or off. If the button is on, it adds a certain number to a sum. If it’s off, it subtracts a number. The farther the sum is from 0, the more different the signal is.

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can you help by getting on that map?

I can’t get on. Also, I think it would help you learn more if you try to make it.

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oh ok, and yeah but at the same time its not like i can just understand as easily as you can. But what else do i need to do to make that work?

Every time you press a button, it toggles the state of that part. So say one button is either 5 or -5. When the button’s light is on, it adds 5 to the sum. When it’s off, the button adds -5 to the sum. Whenever you press a button, you need to update the sum in some way. After that, you need to update your display to show the corresponding difference.


Ok i will try my best to make that.

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You should probably keep this open because that’s not the entire part. You also need a way to display the wrong wave.

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