3D Viewpoints in GKC

I mean Gimkit has the sin functions available, anything else?

I’m not sure. getrithekd and bh are the math guys, I just throw ideas out there and hope something sticks and that they can put it into gear.
I guess you could say I’m the ideas guy.


I have to head to lunch, and can’t be active until 6:00- 6:30.

Nah, no need to credit me. It’s your guide!

I have no idea what’s going on in this discussion right now. Cheese is proposing some idea for… something? Can someone catch me up a bit :skull:


To summarize, from what I understood, we use some math to convert coordinates and player pose to coords on the screen. This was about the vertices. After this, we’d make lines with pose points and make a for loop for each point on the screen. It would check if the point is roughly a solution for a line. If so we make that point be part of the object.


Can someone tell me how player movement will work? I heard something about sentries

We make a box and use zones to detect where the player is.

So movement, not weapons?

The weapons are to rotate the player view.

How will that work? Sentries?

Yeah. But I’m not sure on how @Shdwy intends to find how far away the mouse went… WHAT IF WE MAKE A SCREEN THAT IS BIGGER THAN THE PLAYER’S SCREEN? So then we don’t need to really track the mouse as much. And the player drags the mouse over to move the POV.

But… block code has all the blocks we need.

Does someone have something to determine the coordinates of a point based on the x, y, and z of it in the 3d plane? (like 2d coordinates) I might have come up with something that works if so.

My point exactly!

You’re right. I’ll be honest, I’m a little behind on what kind of systems you guys have already developed for 3D, so I think I should leave it to you 2.

This is a intresting theory, I can’t wait to try it out when it’s done! :smiley:

That’s kinda the idea I was trying to put out there, it came off more confusing than I intended.


I kind of have a functioning thing working for detecting the position of the point in terms of 3D:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 11.51.48 AM

Basically I’ll use a system to detect what direction a player moves in, and I’ll have a button that changes what type of movement (e.g. rotate or actual movement).

The bottom half of that code basically detects what the new z and x would be if you rotated it around the y axis (kinda like what blackhole did).

Keep in mind this is just for when the player moves up.

Also I’ll still need a way to turn them positive and etc.


woah. complicated for me. at least the code is.

Fixed the code: