@Ben_to_the_10th That’s only for top down
cough cough
Platformer is the one where you jump, top-down is the original one
Thanks for shoving a guide in my face without noticing I need it in platformer
It won’t work. Sorry.
You’ll have to use barriers in platformer
Yeah, I read it completely backwards sorry.
Just wanted to quote my friends guide
Could you show me a rough sketch of what it’d look like?
I’d recommend not even implementing it at all. It looks weird with the terrain, Plus it’s a platformer, so it won’t fit in with the dimensions
Think more 3D. Like showing the length of the object. That will look better
Have you considering try using props instead?
Or barriers? (Thanks SirWyWy)
These can be good alternatives. You’ll just have to use invisible stuff and really weird collision and stuff to make the look and fell of something 3d.
Like a cube, make some things non collidable and a invisible barrier in the middle, layer, and it looks like your standing on a 3d cube!
(take inspiration from black holes 3d cube, that’s a good template)
That would look goofy in plat.
Think more like this:
(yes it would be harder to make but it’ll look much better)
Barriers can’t turn into parallelograms though…
Look at the example in the guide
Gimme a minute to try it
We’re adding additional details on how to make a 3D platform if they choose to
True, but we’re giving a good way to do it
It’s ok to keep improving onto a solution, personally I’m fine with it
They just wanna add more ideas
I give up. It’s possible, but I suck at barrier art so…
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