November 8, 2024, 10:52pm
This is really cool and useful! But SirWyWy already made a similar guide to this, not saying that this guide shouldn’t be made, you should definitely add some more unique stuffs!
8.Checkpoints that stay on
Once you get to a checkpoint, it doesn’t deactivate.
Have the checkpoint deactivate after a player touches it. It’s extremely annoying to reach a farther checkpoint, fall down, accidentally hit a previous checkpoint, and have to go all the way back up to the next checkpoint.
Literal rage quit.
BH day :(:
PLEASE make the checkpoint only be activated once. It really makes people mad when they’re at the top and fall, then randomly touch the first checkpoint ._.
Change this setting to once. Simple, but game-changing. Even if the person can’t hit the same checkpoint again, it’s just stylish and looks professional.