10 Things NOT to do while making your game

People might. It’s kind of restricting the creativity of others, because they might have wanted to implement an anti-cheese system, but get demotivated by that rule.

Just saying, you could edit it to make it less broad.

its your favorite martian

I don’t prefer the Dev Options. But i’m not going to force yall to remove it. It’s your choice.

Yep it is.

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Yeah, but guides shouldn’t be made on opinion (never meant offense in any of this, just a friendly discussion)

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Eh, yeah. true.

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Maybe you should say you shouldn’t use dev options to give yourself an advantage over everyone.

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maybe i shouldn’t have played bumper cars in the forums…

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Nice guide, also nice emojis

bruh got flagged

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What post?

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Why did that get flagged…

Oh, the emojis.

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Oh, I see

How did your post get flagged and mine ignored :V

(to the person who reported it: there is no such thing as profile comments; this is the only way to contact somebody about something on their profile)


Let me guess, it has to do something with me.

I’m saying while i was doing my chores someone used my computer to flag it. (i didn’t flag it)

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Huh. I’d suggest not leaving your computer on when there’s a risk like that, but that goes without saying. It’s fine because it’s a mistake (and they weren’t entirely wrong), and it can’t really be helped - thanks for explaining, anyway :]