Zoom in Add Bug

basically, if you press ctrl, shift and + while adding a device, you can add that device multiple times without having to copy it or go to the add menu again,
I cant get a gif of it, because strangely, when screen capturing, the bug fixes, so you’ll need to test it on your own.
this bug cannot bypass device limits however.

What exactly is happening? The device isn’t copied when I press ctrl + shift + +. That keyboard shortcut is usually used for resizing the browser window, so they might be related.


you need to do it WHILE setting where you place your device, after zooming, click and it should still allow you to add.

Like during the click?

i managed to record it
Screen recording 2024-11-14 4.28.24 PM
this is what happens, you zoom in before placing.


Do you zoom back out after finishing?

I was gonna ask that too.
also this acually might be a implemented featuree?
like, I dunno.
looks really useful for placing stuff.

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So is this solved?
Or do you need more help?

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I see it now.

When the screen is resized, the game re-updates causing there to be multiple of the device.

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  • Try reloading
  • Try shutting down your device
  • delete the map

And stop eating penguins :penguin:

If NOTHING works

Then email


Okay, maybe don’t delete the map…

Unless the penguins are there…

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actually reloading is unnecessary for this one, its not one that I’d actually want fixed (actually would want it as a feature if I’m going to be honest, its really helpful, and it doesn’t break device limits.) also I never said I eat penguins, I’m not yoyoman

I think this is an intentional feature.
if u hold shift (u don’t need to click + or ctrl) it works!!!

Oh? but for me I didnt hold shift, I just zoomed in once.

oh, hmm.