Zone won't activate

so i am making a creative map in which i used a zone. i set the zone to be able to be seen and deactivated on game start. i also made it activate when it detects the channel “damage”. i made it so that it sent it but it won’t show up even though i set a color for it.
please reply, i need to quickly fix this problem asap.

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The only thing I can think of that’ll fix this is finding another way for it to activate, because hooking it up to a damage device will make it so the zone activates when a player is damaged, and not give a player damage when they enter the zone.
Hope that made sense there.

This might be what you’re looking for?

new zone
broadcast to channel on enter: damage
new damager
deal damage when receiving on: damage

Sorry I didn’t say this before, but welcome to the forums @P-0-T-A-T-0!
Check out new-user-must-read and forum-beginners, and maybe forum-tips!

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Welcome to the forums to you as well, @creativehelper!
Check out new-user-must-read and forum-beginners, and maybe forum-tips!

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Oh thanks! I only came here to help others :]

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I found out weeks ago that the zone renders out when you are not close to it to save memory. When I get close to it is renders back in.

If you are sending that channel when the nearest player is far away, that’s why it doesn’t work.

you have to make it visible in game:

and if it still doesn’t work, then maybe check if you typed in the channel correctly: they have to be exactly the same (capital letters AND spaces)