I am making a game where you run through a series of rooms and avoid the entities. One of them is an entity that when you run through a zone it starts a time and when the time ends, it covers the whole room in a damage zone except the hiding spots. I’ve found an issue where if you stand still when the zone spawns, It does no damage. Is there a way to fix this?
Try to cover the danger zone with lasers instead, make them activate when the timer reached.
Edit: You can disable the laser path (the dot lines) in the settings of them, scroll down in All Options
to find it.
In my experience with lasers, I could not find a way to get the little dots that show where the laser is to disappear. I was only using zones to make it look nicer.
You can turn this (the dots) off in all options
You can also make the laser black for it to disappear.
Is having lasers going to be memory intensive?
It could be, but I don’t know the area you’re trying to cover.
the area the blue box covers is the area
I don’t have any editing software to block out the code so just do me a favor and not use it
You can use a trigger that activates when they enter the zone and a trigger that deactivates when they exit the zone. Once the damage needs to be done, trigger the trigger and make it broadcast to a respawn.
Making a zone appear while someone is in it doesn’t count as the person entering. The only way around this that I am aware of is using lasers.
The only way for someone to trigger a zone, is in fact for the person to go INTO
it sadly.
Yeah, its honestly pretty dumb.
Triggers don’t work either…
Coordinate devices!
I made a topic complaining about zones.
There are some substitutes to it there. Hope I can be of help.