So, I’m trying to make this really cool Cops V. Robbers game…
But when I try to make a button that activates a respawn zone, it doesn’t work…
In detail
I set up a button that should activate a zone upon press
But I need to wire the zone to a respawn function, which throws it off
I’m not completely sure if I’m wiring something wrong or Its just a bug
And I also don’t know if this should go to Help or to Bugs
Button-------respawner wait do u need it to respawn the player?
that would make the player who presses the button respawn
(and I ran outta replies)
Edit 3 : lemme check that rq…
Edit 4: Yes its start on default
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Is the zone active on default?
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Wait that’s it oh well check if anything would fix next time
welcome to the forums!!
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