Yet another thumbnail request! Poll now available on post 76!

gravity fall fan in the house


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That is INSANE shading! Nice job!



Okay, Here’s what I have so far from the sketch I made earlier. And I have a lot more left to go… Does anything need to be changed?


Adorable but…

Barely anyone is on…

Its like midnight for alot of people

Hehe, wait I’m sorry WHAT

yea forums is spread out across alot of the world, so i take nightimesto catch up on reading post and get ur read time up without more posts being created

Cause if posts are created you have to read thoose too, then more are created and u never stop reading

Yeah its like 10:00 for most people lol


In the morning you should have 50 people at your doorstep saying “WOW UR ART IS SO AMAZING” “DID U FR CREATE THAT” “WOAH” “OH MY DRAGONS”

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You have a point… anyway c’ya

good morning, i need a little longer if its okay

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thats fine! i was asleep

it looks AMAZING! but can you change the font? it’s kind of hard to read.

I just couldn’t draw trees :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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Makes sense, I would give u a like but I still have 5 hours left :.D

That’s awesome! except, the bands kinda look like toenails…
(not criticizing or anything)

Finished. I did not follow the instructions.