Wire Detection Bug

When I was playing Gimkit, I clicked on a barrier and made it big, and when I wanted to wire something to it, the wiring ignored the barrier completely. (I don’t have a clip of it happening yet)

what are you wiring it to??

Do you already have other things wired to that barrier?

I am wiring a trigger to a barrier.

I son’t think wires can start in barriers.

No I don’t. It’s not working

They can’t, but that’s not what i’m doing.

hmm you can only wire things if they dont have 6 other things wired to it
is it already wired to it but with lag?

What’s your memory
btw is there a limit too wires?

No, there isn’t any lag.

Did you start the wire on the right device?

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I had this same problem, but I came back to it later and it randomly started working. :thinking:

Yes, on a hidden trigger.

5%, I just started a new map

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