it could be considered a variant, I wasnt even saying it was entirely new (I made it on accident, I wasn’t trying to revoluntionize jumping in platformer.)
It’s not even a variant. It’s just a normal headhitter. Just because you turned the prop sideways doesn’t make it a new variant.
What @Bird is trying to say is, basically, you just came up with a clever way to MAKE the jump, while you didn’t make a NEW jump
read this. there is already a name for it.
@Thats_Gimpossible, I did however end up adding this to the wiki, but I take into consideration what you said about how it’s just a headhitter, and I’ve been thinking about that. So, for the time being, I’ll just put it into the headhitter section.
there is literally no difference in how you do it from a headhitter. I dislike having the extended headhitter and diagonal headhitter as a variant, as it is literally the same thing. meanwhile for ladder jumps and reverse headhitters, they are distinct.
My problem with the checker jump was while it was semi-distinct, it isn’t common enough and isn’t really found in many maps.
Yeah, there’s not much difference except the wonky physics.
for the checker jump, its not just that, but it isn’t notable enough. You don’t see many checker jumps in games.
Well,that’s because it is a new discovery, so of course it is not in games. We are putting stuff in here so that I can BE in games
We are doing this so you, @Epi320, can be in games?
Yes, cause I mostly use this guide to find different jumps and such
never said it was, i said it COULD be. I wasn’t entirely sure, sorry if that confused you.
@Quack_Quack you can do the checker jump. [I’m tired lol]
I found one were your in a barrier with collision and you boost out it very very glitch
the gif is too big
I’m confused. What did you do?
so I found out a while ago
that barriers with collision can push you out with a bit of force so I decided it will push you up and out to a platform
(when your in it ofc
Oh ok I understand now. I never noticed I went faster when exiting a barrier.
Anyhow, it’s a cool find, but it’s not really popular at all so we probably shouldn’t add it yet.
okay but I’ll keep testing
edit: but in color clash there’s crystals that give you a jump boost and we found out how to make one we = me PhoenixWander and Nolife
yk this jump from DLD did it get added
the slope under hitter jump thing
Or it in reverse?