In my red light green light game, this is happening: I made it so that when the time runs out a bunch of sentries spawn and eliminate you when the time runs out. If you get eliminated by moving during red light, you switch to spectator. I tried making it so that you switch to spectator when eliminated by the sentries, but it wasn’t working. I was using a knockout manager, and for some reason that wasn’t working. do you know how to fix it?
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Well this is a problem that I encountered too, and there is no solution since devices never listen for knockouts by sentries, but only for knockouts from players. Maybe there is another way to work around this.
Really? That would be bad…
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Maybe try it with lasers? Maybe that would work?
good idea. I’m gonna try that.
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Use wires, not channels. When player knocked out → switch player to configured team.
I did use wires, also, you just gotta use a lifecycle.
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