Why is my cutscene not working?

So im making an intro cutscene sort of thing for my game,
how it works is that the lifecycle sends a signal to the camera point which then uses the camera view to keep you in the black box, then the triggers get to working and slowly cycle through the text using the delays and channels. However, sometime when I try to test it, it just doesn’t do it and goes on with the regular game, which completely ruins it. Does anyone know why this might be happening?


Can you show a gif?

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I dont know how to do that

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Are you on Chromebook or what?

Use a screen record, start recording, download the finished video, go to a gif maker, and BAM.


Okay, then press Ctrl, Shift, and the desktop button at the same time:
The select the screen recording button, looks like a camera, and press the arrow to the right of the words “Record video” and select Record GIF.
Beware, though, it cannot be over 4MB in file size…

  1. Desktop button:
    image ↩︎

Ok I got it
Screen recording 2025-01-17 1.44.17 PM
this is what happens when it doesn’t do it

Where is your spawn pad?

I have 2, one for pre-game thats just in a black room,
and the spawn pad that shows you area 1

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So you spawn into complete darkness in the lobby?

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Yeah, its still a work in progress so there’s not much decoration right now

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Can I see the settings of the two spawn pads?

Ye, it’s for a cutscene…
It makes the text show up and directs the gamer’s attention to one area.
I have one in my Star wars map beginning.

Check the triggers
Do they have a delay?
Are their channels the channel that ends the cutseen?

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Ye, and what I was thinking is that the spawn pad that is not in the dark area shouldn’t be there…
It probably conflicts with the other one, making it the default spawn place.
Delete the second spawn pad and tell me if it works then…

The second one is for the actual game itself, the one in the black room is just a pre-game lobby that tells you to start the game

So the cutscene is for the pre game?
Edit: Nevermind. IC now…

Can I see the settings for your triggers please?


Heres the settings for all of the triggers for the cutscene

I normally never say this but
Maybe try placing a trigger under the spawn pad (game, not pre-game) that activated the cutseen