Why does this keep happening

I have seen this SOOO many times, and I don’t understand why it’s happening bc I have no other windows open…

  • Restart your device
  • Open from another tab
  • make sure you don’t have Gimkit forums open on another tab!

Did. Done. Set.

Anything else bc I have tried ALL of that… :sleepy:

Generic wifi issue. It appears and disappears regularly for me.

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Maybe hacked? But no this happens to me too hmm:/ Oh also what @InkyDarkBird said

It’s so annoying! But my wifi is good sometimes!

and mab, @IDK , hacker…

No, stop assuming the worst case scenario over such a minor issue.

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Also maybe an issue with the forums.

It’s possible, no need to be rude…

It’s not assuming, it’s guessing.

This usually happens to me as well.
I just ignore it and keep writing

It shouldn’t be that big a problem. :+1:


You shouldn’t even be considering hackers as a possibility in the first place unless there are multiple other device issues unrelated to Gimkit or the Gimkit Forums.


Ig I can give you another soultion, @SirWyWy !

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