Why can't I change the settings?

When I want to put a device, it always copies it, unless I press x. Then I can’t change its settings

Then don’t press x?
Also I’m 99% sure this isn’t a bug

What do you mean? I don’t quite understand what are you saying.

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Are you holding X while you press the sentry?

Try reloading, if that doesn’t work, contact hello@gimkit.com
Also, can you send a gif?


I’ve had this glitch several times while alt-tabbing out and back in. It could be the case for several other things such as changing tabs in general. This isn’t really a game-breaking bug and can be fixed with a simple reload, unless it persists for you.

Yeah refreshed several times already


wait later I gtg now

Alright Joe! To answer your question, this bug happens when you move to a different page when a Gimkit Creative Server/Map is still open.

Essentially, when the mouse hovers over a page and/or clicks on it, Gimkit registers it as a click even though you aren’t on the page. So when you come back, all the clicks you make are registered as double-clicks, essentially preventing you from editing.

Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this unless you refresh the page.

P.S. I don’t know why the X button is doing this, but I hope this helps you out! :wink:

If you press alt, then it should work. This usually happens after you alt-tab to switch to a second window and back.

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Are you on computer or mobile? Because this sometimes happens when I use mobile