When I make my fishing map, I get a fish I made it not possible to get at that area. How can I solve this problem?

When I made my fishing map, I got a fish I made it not possible to get to that area. How can I solve this problem?

Will you please elaborate?

Like in Fishtopia, getting certain fishes in certain places is impossible. I get fishes even though I’ve made it impossible

What devices have you used? Can you please provide some pictures? (It is right now impossible to fish in fishing maps)

Did you use this guide?

If you used that guide then just change what channels are broadcasted and the likeliness of getting some things


Can you take a screenshot of the block code you have currently? And the setup?

What you can do is have the RNG for the lake be out of a number like 120, but the max number you can usually roll is a 100. You can then add an upgrade to the RNG that increases the max number you can roll.

So like:

60% Green fish
40% Red fish
(20% Purple fish need RNG upgrade to get)

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I only get the Purple fish.

You should have it like this:

set GetFish to: random(1, 1100)
if: <GetFish > 400>
Do: Broadcast Message On Channel: "Green fish at Purple Pond"
elif: <GetFish > 700>
Do: Broadcast Message On Channel: "Red fish at Purple Pond"
elif: <GetFish > 900>
Do: Broadcast Messafe On Channel: "Blue fish at Purple Pond"
elif: <GetFish > 1000>
Do: Broadcast Message On Channel: "Purple Fish at Purple Pond"

And done! This should fix your problem, but if it doesn’t let me know, and don’t forget to mark a solution if you found one!

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Is this resolved?