Wisdom comes from above:point_up_2:
Um do you mean by thumbnails? Idk what websites gimkit uses for their logos, you can try canva ig.
yes srry
Drawing apps: I heard of kleki, I sometimes use procreate,
digital design apps: free: canva, google slides, etc, not free: apps that are more professional such as photoshop
Screenshotting your gimkit game
be back with more info
Oh also use remove.bg if you’re doing digital, great tool for me
I recommend using Kleki and bg remover
Basically what I said (no offense)
Ya. Sorry. We could do a poll of what people use!
I use sketchbook and adobe fresco.
if you want an animation or a GIF, i dont know if a gif can play as a thumbnail, but try Flipanim.com or IBIS X PAINT
I dunno if this is a late response, but some people use Canva! Takes some skill to make thumbnails look good on Canva though…
I recommend https://kleki.com & https://www.photojoiner.com
klekli for backrounds and custom things, and photjoiner for sizing, and putting it together. (make sure to size it first)
that’s a nice drawing! That’s a great software for thumbnails!
yeah klekli is a great drawing software
edit: also nice job
People forgot about IBSpaint and sketchbook…