What map should I create?

So, I’ve been working on some maps that take a ton of time to make (the device stuff)
And I decide to take a break from it. BUT I have no clue what map to make. So maybe u guys can vote on what map I should create :3 (or tell me to add smth to the poll idc) also I cant reply for like 45 minutes.

  • A parkour map
  • A map that makes u rage
  • A map that has nothing at all
0 voters

hide and seek
fighting game
remake a Gimkit gamemode
oh and check idea-catalog for some, well ideas!
also, don’t take a forever break on maps. they have feelings to!

On my 3rd cup of coffee rn


a game that makes u rage. and its a platformer cave system themed game and you acquire a banana each round to proceed to the following round.

You should have the rage map have instructions but your supposed to do the opposite of them if you follow the instructions you have to restart

make a graphing calculator

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lol yes ideas tag