What is the best thing for me to do for my game?

What is the best thing for me to do for my game?

Question 1

While designing the cafeteria when designing the floor to see the pattern, I found a black-white pattern in this image.
In gimkit, I did a blastball-court dark scrapes pattern.
It looks pretty ugly so I just used plain concrete.
I also thought castle tile (purple) as a floor. so my question to you is which on the best?

I’m open to other designs since the others don’t seem too hot.

Question 2

How the heck am I supposed to make this guy in a gimkit.
HAWK: Cobra Kai - playlist by CrYsTaL | Spotify
I don’t have a clue how to make the cleft lip or the mohawk
Or most people on the show.
If you have seen the show, please help me. its appreciated.

  • Castle tiles
  • Dark scrapes - Blastball Court
  • Plain Concrete
0 voters

For question 1, I think the castle tile looks better in my opinion.
Question 2, lemme see what I can do about the gimkit image!


Here is the image. @Gimkit_kid!
Screenshot 2024-10-20 10.36.51 PM
It looks goofy ik lol.


For your first question, I’d say the black and white floor and for the mohawk guy, I honestly don’t know. There may be a sentry with a crazy hairstyle.
Only one with crazy hair.

Haha, tl3’s can’t edit other’s posts. Try post the poll outside the Dropdown menu and see if it works.

Lol, that does kinda look like him.

Tl3’s can’t fix your poll, but I can tell you what’s wrong.

Tl3’s can only change titles, categories, and tags.

Fix it to [/poll]

Oh no, I accidentally marked solution… I fixed the poll though. Thank you.