What games are popular nowadays pt.2

So before I made the first post asking about what games are popular I had already published a game called “gimchaos” which is a battle royal. My friend Luke (who also makes creative games like the kingfall series) told me that Battle Royale games aren’t that popular so that got me thinking “what games are popular then?”. But now that I know that people kinda like Battle Royale games I wanted to know what you guys would want in it?

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i think platformer is popular

I know those types of games are popular but I lowkey don’t want to spend money on gimkit

Platformer is free now

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oh wait it is? I didn’t know

yeah platformer is free!

new update on december 4th is when it was made free, but there are new prop & devices & top-down terrain that are not free

story games like get a snack at 3 am

Why not make something new instead of a popular game?

oooo yeah like maybe make it more like multiplayer cuz most have single player

my Battle Royale is multiplayer hence the “Battle Royale”

i know but i mean like other ones withplot

I think intricate stuff is pretty good too, stuff like forest tag and that hide and seek game. Also, complex games are just more fun to play

battle royal is so common i’m sure people are getting a little bored of it but like we always love new games am I right?

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Maybe a tag game? I feel like we don’t have enough of those

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yeah I’m thinking of a story for it right now

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nice! that’d be cool to play

  1. skibidi rizzler (don’t make one please)

  2. a unique platformer game with the BRIGHT colors of the rainbow to excite the ADHD kids.

  3. some type of unique game that’s different than what’s seen.

  4. KNOCKBACK platformers (I’ve seen a few on trending)