What are the most commonly asked questions?

You gotta be flagged 5 times for a reason that makes sense to go back down to member I think

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Ohhhhhā€¦.but there is a chance the wiki gets closed and becomes ANOTHER problem, i mean, Jeff is very busy

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But should I make a wiki???

I dont rlly think u shouldā€¦.u could try ig

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Depends on your choice. If a perfectly fine guide gets flagged for a reason, that would get flagged in a flash.

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And a mod also has to approve of the flags. You know, Iā€™ve never actually gotten flaggedā€¦

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You can probably find FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) in this?

Yeah, but thatā€™s Ai, usally humans answer questions better, especially experienced ones

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Iā€™ve flagged myself before but Iā€™ve never been flagged by someone else besides a ban speedrunner who flagged me for no reason.


5 inappropriate/spam flags that were confirmed by staff (jeff)


Iā€™ve been flagged then unflagged???


Huh. Wdym?

I got flagged 4 the 1st time, then the next day it says that Iā€™ve been unflaggedā€¦.on foxyā€™s thumbnail thingy

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jeff needs to approve the flag and at that point he might ban you

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Oh :sweat: wow

jeff marked the flag as unnecessary

Ohhhhhh ok (yā€™all i ran outta likes, so here is one 4 yā€™all :heart: )

sadly as much as I like the idea of the game the problem will still exist
searching before you post is uncommon
