Not sure if this is still an issue (I was OP, just a diff acct), but it might be fixed.
I’ll check later.
Not sure if this is still an issue (I was OP, just a diff acct), but it might be fixed.
I’ll check later.
oh! Happy birthday!
Hope it’s a great Birthday!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Have a gimtastic birthday, and may the lines be ever in your favor.
You’re meant to bump guides, not bug and help topics. You also don’t have anything to add to the discussion.
they’re bumping it due to the fact it’s very important information someone using flags would really want and need to know.
But, bumping bugs is still not technically allowed.
Fruity-gim bumped it.
Explaintion for what happens:
You [poof] and if you were holding the flag, that poofs too making the flag useless and you can’t get it back
Soo yeah those less literate can understand i think(?)
I don’t mean this in a rude or anything tone, but it’s really complicated if everything’s in one paragraph.
Space things out!!
I don’t know how to break this to you, but the paragraph you’re talking about is 3 lines… I’d understand your confusion if it’s more like 10, but I don’t think 3 lines should be a source of complications. By this logic, most guides would be complicated.
oh, this bug still exists. here’s a video recording of it
Oh, happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! (Frosty the snowman music)
Wait… Isn’t there a user called… @InkyDarkBird?
Why is that your name?
Anyways, this seems like this could be useful.
It seems like consumable drop isn’t useful in flag game anyway, but whatever.
It was useful for the game I was making. I used the flags as crates you carried around the map, and I kept consumable drops on since you could buy those.
I found the bug in the process, got annoyed, and made a forumpost.
oh. don’t know who that is. a random user gave it to me
It’s time to launch the bump