Vote on post 56

(Post deleted by author)

yoyo awnser me! >:(
@NotYoyo I think I forgot about somebody…

Edit your Post tag to device

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I tried!!!

edit your first post
and you should see a screen similar to this

Click the art tag (The teal one) and select “Device”
after you are done, click “Save Edit”

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Yes, thank you for being so nice! One of your drawings is definitely going to win, though!

She already won the poll
read before you post

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Oh, whoops! She most certainly deserved to win!!!

wait I won?!
I missed out on a lotttt
I had 11 notifications and 3 of them were useless, but the rest weren’t ( can u guess which were useless and which weren’t?)
well I think @nina44 should make this devices and mark a solution
I’ma play the game now


Thank you so much for helping. It’s on trending!!!


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