Vote a thumbnail! (Post 369)

What am I known for? Sirwywy is 3D terrain master, Voidfluffy is thumbnail goddess, what about me? Slaps face, STOP BEING OFF-YOPIC BSA!!

oh- the r and the n next to each other make it look like m

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he is looking goofy

as is he


Cruz is supposed to have a determined look.

makes sense lemme fix that

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almost done, just need dodge, a title and 247 more animals

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247? Good luck on that.

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I like animals


CREDIT YOURSELF!!! I can show you what I have so far?

no. and yes

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No to crediting yourself and yes to the thumbnail?

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Okay. Just hang on for a sec…

How’s this look? If I need more plants I’ll add more but if I don’t then I will start adding the title and credits, fog, and rain. Along with some flowers.

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very nice and clean. I might not respond because I need to get the gorilla our of my shower

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Wait what? Okay.

Yay! I’m back! :tada: :tada:

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Does my thumbnail need more plants?

Can you add a few more trees? One more would do a job.
But overall it looks great.

The thumbnail looks great @Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0
Are you sure you don’t want to credit yourself btw?

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