Vote a thumbnail! (Post 369)

Welcome to the forums @ST4RS_IN-A_JAR!! Can’t wait to see your thumbnail!
Do read the guidelines for the forums! You get a badge for doing so!
(Didn’t notice you replied as well @Munchkin)


@Munchkin, I’ve updated the thumbnail. Let me know if I should change anything.

Made it look more like a jungle and more full.


That looks great!
If you need some suggestions I can give

Okay @Moyai.

You can really see how much effort you put into this.
The 2 flowers around the thumbnail look so pretty too!

RAN OUT OF LIKES. WHY?!!? And yes I worked my head off in this project. I haven’t made a thumbnail for a long time that pretty much almost filled my memory usage.


There kinda minor so you don’t really see them but, 1: the letters look kinda… thin, it’s not bad it’s just kinda hard to read, and 2: the grass, this one’s pretty small but it’s kinda weird after you look at it for a while, it looks like the grass is literally part of the earth lol, also maybe add a little more grass where the closer gim is standing? Idk these might just be me.

The reason that the letters look weird is because I had to turn them into images and that made them look weird and about the grass, I’m not sure what to do really.

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Oh and 1 last thing the vine bro the vine :sob::sob::sob:

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I can’t fix it. Because if I try to add anything more it’ll kick me out of the project and get rid of everything I’ve done. I would fix it if I could.

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PROGRESS ON THUMBNAIL SO FAR: (still trying to finish the sketch)


I think I’ve got this.

It’s ready!!


Not bad, is this your first ever?

No. It is not my first thumbnail. I haven’t posted all of them. Good night.

Wait how tho? I looked through all your comments and didn’t see any other thumbnails?


Nah bro i was thinking of putting the flowers on the side too!
Im rlly sorry if it looks like i copied u!
Welcome to the forums @ST4RS_IN-A_JAR! I hope u like it here!

Tysm!! And now I feel too welcomed to the forums… ;–;

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I fi-finally finished!
Omg i love the waterdroplet effect i did it looks so cool!
This is the first time ive used it!

I hope u like it!
I made the parrot blue ( it kinda looks like clic clac….)
If u want me to edit anything i will do as u wish