Vending Machines Not Working

The vending machines are fine while I’m editing,

but when I start the actual game, it says they’re not available and the vending machines turn gray.

Are they set to be active on game start? If not, then that’s why.

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they are

Are the vending machines in stock, and can we see the settings?

Also, is there anything that deactivated them at any point?

This doesn’t happen to me.

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take a screenshot of all the settings, and the wires/channels to which it is connected

what do you mean it’s not real

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what I mean is no one else is getting this I think it was not GimKit but a internet problem or you trying to get noticed

Why do you say that? I get that it could be an internet problem - although I personally disagree, since internet crashes generally just make it laggy or impossible to use the Gimkit website, not make game functions behave weirdly - but why would that mean that the person was trying to get ‘noticed’? There’s absolutely no reason to believe that, since it’s a perfectly valid thing to post a help topic about - a game mechanic behaving abnormally. (Sorry if you found this rude, but I honestly don’t understand your reasoning.)

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I don’t know what’s wrong, if you turned on ‘active when the game starts’ it should work.
If that still doesn’t work, try emailing

Or just reload. works. every. time.

This Has Happened To Me, They Will Eventually Delete Themselves.

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The only way to recreate this is to deactivate the device. Either you are pranking* us, or you are accidentally deactivating it somehow.

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yeah, for some reason I’m sure you copied me from the previous topic, which is really weird. The topic is completely legal, we just need to see

I think you just made a mistake and pressed something wrong, nothing like that happens to everyone (sometimes)

nah you really copied 1 to 1 words 2468 from the topic you know about :skull:

Let’s not start an argument. To be fair, we can’t be sure he copied anything, 100%.
How about we focus on helping them out?
What are your settings on the vending machines?

  • Is there any way for players to obtain the item?
  • Are they activated on game start?
  • Is anything preventing it from being active, or is it activated by something?
  • Go back and check your wiring and channel settings. (If you have several things wired to each other or several channels, sorry, it’s going to be a pain…)

What if you just don’t have enough currency to buy whatever is in them?

I just checked this conversation and It actually has happened to me. I don’t remember what I did to fix it. But it HAS happened to me and is not fake.