Spent most of last researching for this on Desmos:
Please read the entire thing (especially the note at the end). Let me know if you have any questions.
Edit: It also uses degrees
Another Edit: I’m going to move this to Devices
Spent most of last researching for this on Desmos:
Please read the entire thing (especially the note at the end). Let me know if you have any questions.
Edit: It also uses degrees
Another Edit: I’m going to move this to Devices
Hang on, just had an idea.
Now, this won’t completely work, but might lead to something.
A point in the direct middle of the map, and your angle relative to that point inverted is the angle you’re moving in.
But, what if we move that point to where the player is every couple seconds?
Theoretically, this would let you figure out the player’s angle.
What would the point be? Just the y and x coordinates of the player? Because if that’s in the center of the gim, then isn’t that not going to give accurate slopes?
Or did I misread that? Seems like it could work.
That’s why you do it every couple seconds, not every tick possible.
Right, but I mean where is the location of the point relative to the gim? Wouldn’t it need to be from the… leg things… to give an accurate slope?
Okay I think I’m missing something but hopefully it works.
It would be from where the gim was a couple seconds ago
Why don’t you find the their angle with respect to their position last frame?
is it possible to detect someone’s FPS though?
Just have the system update fast enough.
oki back from da weekend lemme take a moment to process all this stuf
no idea why it’s in devices ._.
but whatevs
sounds about right originally I was going to make it so it goes something like this
the range would be manually set like a hit box and the origin would be the player position but hey ig i’ll try it a different way that way was frying my brain a little bit
the desmos article thing i’ll read later as I think I have a vague idea of how this goes now
edit: update on that I got it to work but uh I cant get it to go the full 360 I need to be able to make the push collision I need for the top down pseudo ball ( I think this was what it was for…)